Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real Diamonds?

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real Diamonds?

Introduction Lab grown diamonds are not fake diamonds, but they are a different type of diamond. Diamonds were first discovered in India and were originally thought to be from coal. It was not until the 1800s when it was discovered that diamond..

How Is a Diamond Cut & Polished?

How Is A Diamond Cut & Polished?

Diamonds are known for their ability to catch light and sparkle. We may think this has to do with the “shape” of the diamond, but actually it has to do with the “diamond cut”. The diamond cut doesn’t mean that it is roun..

6 Common Diamond Myths Debunked

6 Common Diamond Myths Debunked

Diamonds are fascinating. They have been held in high regard for quite some time. These glittering gems are the hardest material found naturally but are also some of the most misunderstood. Here we debunk some common myths surrounding diamonds and th..